PURPOSE The Rock Force Team Purpose is to provide for the safety and security of those who enter Upper Room church doors and to protect Upper Room property.  To provide a peaceful and safe place that is a spiritual shelter for those in need.  To put the congregation at ease and project a belief that “ALL IS WELL”.

MISSION:  The Rock Force Team Mission is to radiate with every part of our being that every guest and member of Upper Room has entered a place of healing, comfort, joy, positive attitudes, stability, and order.

GOAL:  The Rock Force Team’s Goal is to draw as many souls to Christ as we possibly can.

REQUIREMENTS:  Must be a committed Christian who has consistently demonstrated a life of service to God.  Must Be an active member in good standing and integrally involved in URCOGIC Ministry.  This includes regular worship service attendance and active involvement in Sunday school and other ministry activities of URGOGIC.  Must be a person who is known by and highly respected by the congregation.  Must demonstrate a lifestyle that is consistent with what God and URGOGIC expect of its leaders.  Must be a person that reflects honesty, integrity, compassion, and fairness.  Must be individuals who can be trusted with the safety of the congregation.  Must be a person of obvious maturity.  Must be faithful in tithing and financial support of URGOGIC.  Must be committed to the Rock Force Team.

RESPONSIBILITIES:  Platform Security.  Parking  Lot Surveillance.  Dealing with Emergency situations.  Visual monitoring of Sunday School Classes and Worship Services/Special Events.  Finance Security.  Being dispensers of Information, such as the location of Sunday School Rooms, Restrooms, Sanctuary, and other areas.  Surveillance/Security Cameras.  Sanctuary Security.

CONCLUSION: The Rock Force Team must be alert and responsible, as they are the eyes and ears of the church.  Identify, correct and report any problems or hazards that are encountered during your course of duty.  React quickly and accurately when investigating incidents.  Complete, comprehensive documentation is essential.  It is important to cover all aspects of the incident and be thorough.

The Rock Force Team plays a significant role in maintaining a safe environment for the church.  Work safe, think smart, and do your part to reduce safety risks and to protect lives.  When dealing with any situation, please use “STANDARD PRECAUTION”.



Pastor Pearlie Shelton

Pastor Karl Anderson


Deacon Bernard Howell

Deaconess Diane Howell


Bro. Dewie “Bill” Brewton


Bro. Oliver Herbert, Jr.


Sis. Sylvia Anderson

Bro. Arthur Herbert