Upper Room Music Ministry:

Mission Statement:  The music department’s mission is to enrich the service through praise, worship and devotion in song.  It is the means through which the soul and spirit reach out to God in worship and praise with a song in spirit and in truth.  The Music Ministry assists the worshippers in centering their thoughts upon God.  For those who are not born again, it will prepare their hearts for the Holy Spirit to minister to them.

Vision: Our vision is to worship God in truth and in spirit and leading people into the presence of God and in adoration, create an atmosphere of openness to the Holy Spirit that will break bondage, change hearts, and bring a release of God’s anointing.  In essence, the Music Ministry will set an atmosphere whereby men will be saved, we may witness His Shekinah glory and usher in the presence of the Lord.

The Upper Room Music Ministry currently consists of:

  • Minister of Music/pianist,
  • Keyboardists (3)
  • Lead guitar players (2)
  • Bass guitar players (2)
  • Percussionists (2)
  • Directors (4)
  • And many, many anointed vocalists

Upper Room Praise Team:  (Women Praise Team, Men Praise Team, Youth Praise Team and Upper Room Voices of Praise Ensemble) The Music Ministry seeks to enrich the service in praise, worship and devotion.  Music is the medium through which the soul and spirit reach out to God in worship and praise.  Music ministry assists the worshippers in centering their thoughts upon God.  For the unbeliever, it prepares their heart for the Holy Spirit to minister to them. The goal of the Praise Team is to set an atmosphere whereby we may see His Shekinah glory and usher in the presence of the Lord!

Mass Choir:  The Upper Room Mass Choir consists of members from all choirs.  The Mass Choir seeks to enrich the services to assist the worshippers in centering their thoughts upon God in praise.

  • To nurture and utilize the gifts and talents that God has given us, so Christ can be glorified through us.
  • To use the talents through the Music Ministry of our members to enrich the church’s outreach ministry.

For those who are not born again, the Music Ministry will prepare their hearts for the Holy Spirit to minister to them and set an atmosphere whereby men will be saved. 

Youth Choir:  The Youth Choir Music Ministry seeks to enrich the service in praise, worship and devotion.  In a youthfully upbeat fashion, the Youth Choir ushers the presence of God into the service.  Youth Choir ministry is a great means by which to draw other young people into the kingdom of God.  The goal of the Youth Choir is to lead a new generation of youth to Jesus through the ministry of music. The youth will share their love for God through music and provide a vehicle for the smaller generation to share their musical gifts, while bringing glory to our King…and the Lord of Lords!!

Men’s Choir (To be established):  The Men’s Choir will be a unique opportunity for all men of the church to display their love for music.  It allows the women to appreciate the covering and leadership God provides to the church body through the men music ministry.

Women’s Day Choir (To be established):  The Women’s Choir is a unique opportunity for all women of the church to display their love for music.  It allows the men to honor the women of the ministry as they bring glory to God through their anointed music.

UR Praise! Youth Choir